Sunday, September 12, 2010

Problem In Heaven - IV (The Finale)

"I didn't understand my lord, what could be more paradoxical than life and death?"

"In fact Chitra, nothing could be more metaphorical than life and death. What makes a life complete is death. If there were no forecast of a closure in the future, no human would ever value his life. Death is just a waterhole for the body to rest and move forward to the next journey. Have you ever asked yourself what the purpose of a human life is? The purpose is to experience. The soul wants to experience everything that it can in the world. The human body is just a vessel that carries the soul around. Everything that happens to the human is because the soul wants to experience those things. Once it feels that it has gained the maximum that it can from the body, the soul leaves to find a new home for itself. The body dies of wear and tear and is awarded a place in heaven or hell on the basis of the assistance that it has provided its soul."

Chitragupta was fascinated but also appalled, "But lord this is so tragic, doesn't the body have any say in what it goes through? What if it doesn't want to experience something that the soul wants it to? Can't it say no?"

Brahma leaned forward, "If it says no, then the soul makes it take its own life and leaves the body. The humans have a fancy word for it, suicide. This is the final act in the play for the soul. Once its vessel takes its own life, it can never have another home again. It wanders in eternity in Yama's corridors until he finds some work for it to do. And the body is laid to rest for ever in our wineyards."

Brahma ran a hand through his beard, "So you see Chitra, death completes life. There won't be life if there were no death. In fact, life is meant to represent the combined experience that a human goes through during his earthly experience and later his experiences after the loss of his earthly form. Life includes death Chitra and so does Death include Life. They are one and the same, two sides of the same coin, metaphors to each other. There has to be a balance among yin and yang, right and wrong at all times. Just foresee this, if everything in this world were perfect, if there were no sorrow in this world, would anyone value happiness? If there were no grief, would anyone value mirth? If there were no death, would anyone value life? No son, for anyone to value something good it is necessary that he is exposed to something equally bad. That is why you see the change in our operations Chitra. Every once in a while we have to go through a cleaning mechanism or rather a corporate makeover. We gradually change our method of pitching and move more and more towards the practices adopted by Hell. Hell does the same too. It also starts pitching for people with higher CDS."

"When do we revert to our old practices then my lord?" Chitragupta thought he knew the answer but wanted the lord to confirm his worst suspicions.

Brahma got up and walked around the table and touched Chitra's shoulder, "Any metamorphosis is not complete till it completely transitions positives into negatives and vice-versa. This trend will not stop till Heaven, India becomes Hell, India and vice-versa."

Chitragupta dropped his head and slumped in his seat disappointed. Is this what i've worked for? To facilitate the transition of Heaven into Hell?

"Understand this Chitra that Heaven and Hell are just concepts that the common mind can't grasp. To function effectively, there cannot be only goodness or only wickedness. There should be an optimum mix of both. While today we are moving towards being a more materialistic organization, that is only to compensate for the various idealistic and moralistic population we have gathered over the years. For them to value their beliefs it is important that they are challenged. Similarly for Hell to function effectively, it should have an influx of people with high CDS. For over 4000 years we have functioned with the privilege of being the organisation that reaps the highest social profit, now its time to challenge those profits that we've accumulated. Its time to make the people realise the importance of being good. For anything to be complete, it is imperative that it runs the complete circle. Just like death does to life, Hell completes Heaven. And in this world of pradoxical metaphors where change is constant, is it any surprise that Heaven and Hell are changing places? After all, aren't Heaven and Hell more complementary than paradoxes too?"

The End? Please leave your comments...

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